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James is Chief Risk Officer of Candlewick-based asset management firm, Hampden. He is a risk and governance specialist, having spent over a decade in the Lloyd's and London Market. His experience spans regulated boards and committees of several financial services, professional and representative organisations with a focus on risk management, sustainability, corporate governance and legal & regulatory compliance.

James has a variety of charitable interests, and has sat on boards and fundraising development groups for several charities with a focus on mentoring young offenders, tackling youth unemployment, international development and skill-sharing for a mental health trust. He is a Leadership Fellow of St George's College, Windsor Castle, and a mentor on several professional programmes.

He is a Governor of Christ's Hospital, one of the UK's leading public schools established in 1552 by Royal Charter to provide a first class free or supported education to young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.

James represents Candlewick as Member of the Court of Common Council, and has been elected or appointed to the following Corporation Committees:

  • Finance

  • Audit & Risk (Representing the Chairman of Finance)

  • Culture & Heritage

  • Civic Affairs

  • Natural Environment Board

James is involved in a number of Candlewick based or orientated projects including the Business Community Partnership, Ward Business Forum, EC BID and the Flowers in The City campaign which works to introduce, improve and enhance green spaces in the City, whilst promoting the establishment of green well-being sites; from flower boxes to tree planters and balcony gardens. If you or your business would like more information or would like to support these Ward initiatives, please contact James.

James is Chairman of the Candlewick Ward Club, founded in 1670 it is the oldest Ward Club in the City. He works to build and enhance the sense of community across the Ward and in the City more broadly, supporting the City Belonging Project and running a series of events to bring together different business and employee groups and networking fora. James a keen supporter of the City Livery Companies and is a Court Assistant of
The Worshipful Company of Insurers and The Worshipful Company of Gardeners where he has raised substantial sums for the Future Gardeners' Charity which provides horticultural and “work ready” training to people who have been long-term unemployed or who have faced major challenges.

James is Past Master of the Guild of Young Freemen, founded in 1976 by the City of London Corporation and Mansion House to encourage the wider engagement with and participation of younger professionals in the affairs of the City. He is passionate about inter-generational engagement and the importance of each generation finding and developing the living history of this great City.

The State Visit of HE The President of South Africa

The State Visit of HE The President of the Republic of South Africa


James with Sir Andrew Parmley, Lord Mayor 2017/18

James addressing the Court of Common Council

Contact james

  • LinkedIn


Our success, as your Candlewick Ward Team, is to add value to the quality of your business and your working life or your home if a resident in our Ward.


Without the business, retail, food, entertainment and personal services provided by the many smaller businesses we have in our ward, the City would be a far less pleasant and convenient place to work.


We believe that democracy is strongest when it draws out the views and opinions of the electorate and this is something that is central to our engagement with the Ward.

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